California Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) offers wage replacement benefits for eligible employees who need time off from work for a qualifying reason. Employees may be eligible for DI if they are unable to work due to a non-work-related injury or illness, including for pregnancy and childbirth. Employees may be eligible for PFL to care for a seriously ill family member, to bond with a new child, and for a qualifying military exigency.
Employers can participate in the state-run program, California State Disability Insurance (SDI), or they can self-insure a voluntary plan, CA VDI/PFL.
MetLife offers self-insured CA VDI/PFL plans.
Employers are required to participate in either the state-run SDI/PFL program or self-insure a voluntary private plan, VDI/PFL, if they employ one or more employees and pays wages for employment in excess of $100 during any calendar quarter.
All employees working for a covered employer are eligible for CA DI/PFL benefits if they have earned more than $300 in the base period (normally defined as the 12 months before the claim began).
Employers are excluded if they are non-profit organizations, railroad and government employers, and real estate sales employers, among others described in the law.
CA DI/PFL does not provide job protection. However, job protection may be provided through other federal or state laws such as the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or the California Family Rights Act (CFRA).
Disability Leave can be taken for up to 52 weeks to:
Family Leave can be taken for up to 8 weeks to:
An employee can have more than one PFL benefit each year, but no more than 8 weeks in a 12-month period.
Leave can be taken all at once, intermittently, or on a reduced leave schedule.
San Francisco workers: An employer may be required to provide supplemental compensation to an employee if they are receiving PFL benefits for bonding with a new child through birth, adoption, or foster care placement. For more information, visit the City and County of San Francisco, Office of Labor Standards Enforcement Paid Parental Leave Ordinance (PPLO).
Beginning January 1, 2025, the total contribution rate is 1.2% of an employee’s wages. All wages earned are subject to the contribution rate.
Voluntary plan costs may differ, however, employee maximum contributions for a private plan cannot be more than what they would pay for the state-run program. Employers fund the balance of the cost for voluntary plans.
Please visit the state program’s website for the latest state rates and additional state plan information.
The benefit amount an employee can receive depends on how much they usually make compared to most people in California. Benefits are paid based on the first day of absence for PFL or first day of disability for DI.
Beginning January 1, 2025, the maximum weekly benefit is $1,681.
An employee can receive:
In 2025, the State Average Weekly Wage is $1,704.
To obtain a quote from MetLife, you or your broker must create a census of your eligible California workforce and send it to MetLife. This census template was developed for your convenience.
The state does not provide the opportunity for private fully insured plans to be approved.
You will need to work with your own employment counsel to define your CA VDI/PFL self-insured plan. It must include the same benefits as the SDI program and have at least one better benefit.
In addition, you must conduct and receive a majority vote (50% + 1) in writing from your eligible CA employees in order to obtain state approval on a voluntary plan. If the customer has multiple California entities (CA EANs), the 50 percent plus 1 majority vote is calculated by each EIN, not an overall total of eligible employees.
The California Employment Development Department (CA EDD) has additional information on applying for a Voluntary Plan and has published this Employer Guide to Voluntary Plan Procedures.
If filing for a VDI/PFL plan, you will need to submit an application, a text provisions document, and are required to provide a security deposit. MetLife’s consulting firm may submit these documents to the CA EDD on your behalf.
Before you apply please review these Pre-Requisites for becoming a Voluntary Plan Employer from the state.
The CA EDD will review the application and provide a response within 30 days if the voluntary plan is approved or if additional information is required.
Once you receive your approval, you need to provide MetLife a copy of your state approved plan. The state may allow voluntary plans to temporarily operate until full approval is obtained.
You are required to post an employee notice in a location that is easily seen by all employees working in California. The notice must also be provided each year and to new hires. The notice can be accessed here.
MetLife will inform you if your notice will be different than notices provided directly by the CA EDD.
Reporting requirements
As an employer with a voluntary plan, you must maintain all required submissions to the CA EDD.
Annual and quarterly reporting, other requirements and due dates are follows:
Employers with a voluntary plan are also required to report claim information to the CA EDD. MetLife’s CA VDI/PFL consulting firm will assist customers with ongoing reporting requirements.
Renewing your MetLife private plan
A CA VDI/PFL voluntary plan does not require annual re-approvals by the state
Plan Changes
Mandatory Plan Changes
You will be contacted by the CA EDD if an amendment is required due to legislative changes.
Additional Plan Changes
If you choose to make a change to your VDI/PFL plan, give advanced notice to your employees and obtain approval from the CA EDD.
For more details, please refer to the Employers Guide to Voluntary Plan Procedures
Step 1: An employee should notify their employer of the need for a leave as soon as possible.
Step 2: An employee should file a claim up to 41 days in advance of the leave. If the leave is unforeseeable, claims may be submitted up to 41 days after the leave has begun.
Step 3: Proof may be required before the claim decision can be made. MetLife will gather any additional necessary details from the employer or employee and make a decision within 14 days of receiving all information, or the first day of leave, whichever is later.
Step 4: The employee will receive their first benefit payment within two weeks of receipt of the completed claim.
Step 5: If an employee’s claim is denied, they may appeal the claim by writing a letter to the state within 30 days of the denial letter. Instructions will be included with the denial notice.
Employees must provide specific documents for each claim. It is important to submit paperwork to the doctor as soon as possible. It might take the doctor’s office two weeks or more to complete the paperwork. In some cases, a statement confirming the relationship between the employee and the family member may also be requested.
For the employee's own disability (when the employee is sick or hurt and cannot work for an extended period):
For child bonding for a newborn:
For child bonding for adoption or foster care placement:
For leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition, including medical events related to pregnancy or childbirth:
For qualifying military exigency needs, the employee will need to verify their family member’s service:
For caring for a family member who is a covered service member:
Employees may be eligible for more than one leave.
Employees can use any combination of their available employer sponsored leaves (e.g. sick leave, vacation leave, other paid time off, or short-term/long term disability) together with their DI/PFL benefits. However, employees cannot receive more than 100% of their normal weekly pay. Effective January 1, 2025, an employer can no longer require an employee to take up to two weeks of earned but unused vacation time before receiving CA PFL benefits.
CA DI/PFL, CA Family Rights Act (CFRA), and federal FMLA benefits can and should be used at the same time when applicable.
If an employee works in San Francisco and is receiving CA PFL to bond with a child (newborn, foster or adopted), the San Francisco Paid Parental Leave Ordinance (SF PPLO) requires the employer to pay supplemental compensation (up to 100% of pre-disability earnings) for the full duration of the employee’s leave (up to 8 weeks). All San Francisco employees working for a covered employer are eligible for SF PPLO benefits.
MetLife’s claims team will reach out to the employer to coordinate dates of the company leave that directly overlap with the state leave.
MetLife representatives can help review employer paid benefits that may overlap with the state leave. They can help document overlaps and preferred contact and action when the overlap happens.
Note: There may be additional municipal or employer sponsored leaves that MetLife does not administer. Employers may be responsible for providing additional applicable leaves for their employees and should consult their own employment attorneys.
A child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or registered domestic partner.
As of February 25, 2025